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Section: New Results

Self-Attention Temporal Convolutional Network for Long-Term Daily Living Activity Detection

Participants : Rui Dai, François Brémond.

This year, we proposed a Self-Attention - Temporal Convolutional Network (SA-TCN), which is able to capture both complex activity patterns and their dependencies within long-term untrimmed videos [34]. This attention block can also embed with other TCN-nased models. We evaluate our proposed model on DAily Home LIfe Activity Dataset (DAHLIA) and Breakfast datasets. Our proposed method achieves state-of-the-art performance on both datasets.

Work Flow

Given an untrimmed video, we represent each non-overlapping snippet by a visual encoding over 64 frames. This visual encoding is the input to the encoder-TCN, which is the combination of the following operations: 1D temporal convolution, batch normalization, ReLu, and max pooling. Next, we send the output of the encoder-TCN into the self-attention block to capture long-range dependencies. After that, the decoder-TCN applies the 1D convolution and up sampling to recover a feature map of the same dimension as visual encoding. Finally, the output will be sent to a fully connected layer with softmax activation to get the prediction. Fig 18 and 19 provide the structure of our model.

Figure 18. Overview. The model contains mainly three parts: (1) visual encoding, (2) encoder-decoder structure, (3) attention block
Figure 19. Attention block. This figure presents the structure of attention block


We evaluated the proposed method on two daily-living activity datasets (DAHLIA, Breakfast) and achieved state-of-the-art performances. We compared with these following State-of the arts: DOHT, Negin et al., GRU , ED-TCN, TCFPN.

Figure 20. Detection visualization. The detection visualization of video 'S01A2K1' in DAHLIA: (1) ground truth, (2) GRU, (3) ED-TCN, (4) TCFPN and (5) SA-TCN.